Thursday, July 17, 2008

Kerasal Name Reviewed


by Lauren Teton, using the Teton NameScale

Today’s Name for Review: Cariso? No, Kerasal.
Have you ever heard the radio ad for the foot ointment that sounds like Carasow? Keriso? Karisol? Carousel? I have never been able to understand what they are saying. So what would I look for in the drugstore if I wanted to purchase it? (It is actually Kerasal.)

How about the radio ad for eHarmony? They announced the name several times in the ad before I had the slightest notion what they were saying. It was not enunciated clearly, but more or less “gulped.”

Did you know that Chateau Neuf de Pape became one of the most popular wines in America in the ‘70s, (or so the story goes) because it was easy to pronounce? (Or was it because of its unusually high alcohol content, hmm?)

The moral? If you want people to remember the name of your product, first let them hear it correctly. Spell the word out in a radio ad if the sound is ambiguous. Better yet, choose a name with hard consonants and without “sound-alike letters” in it if you plan to advertise verbally.


Lauren Teton was quoted on candy names in the April edition of Confectioner magazine. Excerpts:
FastBreak - "A great name. It’s got a double meaning. It’s sporty, and it also gets the message across that you’re going to take a little break from your work day."

Too Tarts - "The alliteration of the two t’s is good. It’s descriptive. It communicates a meaning."

Overload - "To me the name says sensory overload and that your senses can’t handle it, it’s so good. It hit an emotional button with me, but to others, it sounded like too much fat, too much sugar."

Read more name reviews at

Contact Ms. Teton about your naming project, big or small.

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