Thursday, July 17, 2008

Aircast Name Reviewed


by Lauren Teton, using the Teton NameScale

After a bizarre tennis accident years ago, I was introduced by my orthpedist to a product with the brand name “Aircast.”

This name is simple and creates an unforgettable picture in the mind, even if you have never seen an Aircast. It is a plastic cast cushioned with foam filled aircells that one pumps up for a comfortable custom fit around the damaged joint (my fractured fibula!).

Scoring Aircast on the Teton NameScale: This name has a clear, appropriate message and is composed of familiar words that get the point across beautifully and create a picture, in a mere 2 syllables.

Teton NameScale Score for Aircast - 7

Names are scored on the Teton NameScale from approximately 0 to 10, leaving the possiblilty that some names may score outside this range.
0 is a low score, 10 is a very high or exemplary score.

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